Introducing our new SHINE Development Officers
The SHINE Team is delighted to welcome three new members of staff joining us as SHINE Development Officers from August 2021 to February/March 2022 this academic session. These posts resulted from extra funding from the MRC, creating one part-time GU post and two part-time secondments for three teachers.
It is our pleasure to introduce to you Lynn Alexander, Kelly Craig and Fiona MacDonald. Our Development Officers will work alongside the SHINE team for two days a week to support the further development of SHINE’s work with school members. The project areas will be developed through collaboration with the teachers and their schools.

Lynn is currently based in a Glasgow City Council secondary school and will be exploring support for data sharing with the wider schools community including parents & carers.

Fiona is a PE specialist and class teacher in a Glasgow City Council Primary School. She will focus on the benefits of SHINE membership for primary schools and involving pupils in improving health and wellbeing through the sharing of HWB data